Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Doodle God Walkthrough Quest : Survivor

Ending 1

  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest.
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree.
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone.
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick.
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter.
  6. The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter.
  7. Stone + Stone = Spark.
  8. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire.
  9. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke.
  10. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure.
  11. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass.
  12. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail.
  13. Smoke + White Sail = Merchants.
  14. Human + Merchants = Salvation.
Good Ending: You are rescued by merchants and keep all your riches.

Ending 2
  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest.
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree.
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone.
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick.
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter.
  6. The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter.
  7. Stone + Stone = Spark.
  8. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire.
  9. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke.
  10. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure.
  11. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass.
  12. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail.
  13. Human + Spyglass = Pirates.
  14. Gold + Pirates = Torture and Death.
Bad Ending: The pirates abandon you on the island.

Ending 3
  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter
  6. The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter.
  7. Stone + Stone = Spark
  8. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire
  9. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke
  10. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure
  11. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass
  12. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail
  13. Smoke + Black Sail = Pirates
  14. Human + Pirates = Death
Bad Ending: You are killed by pirates.

Extraneous Elements
  1. Human + Sea = Water
  2. Sun + Water = Salt
  3. Oysters and Palm Tree and Sand = Beach + Human.
  4. Sand + Water = Clay
  5. Clay + Sun = Bricks
  6. Human + Bushes = Berries and Leaves
  7. Human + Palm Tree = Coconut and Liana
  8. Stone + Stick = Hammer
  9. Stone + Hammer = Flintstone
  10. Flintstone + Stick = Axe
  11. Axe + Tree = Wood
  12. Axe + Stick = Spear
  13. Game + Spear = Carcass
  14. Axe + Carcass = Meat and Skin
  15. Meat + Salt = Jerky
  16. The Knife is automatically added to your elements after completing Jerky.
  17. Carcass + Knife = Sinew and Meat and Skin
  18. Clay + Bonfire = Pottery
  19. Carcass + Flintstone = Bones and Meat
  20. Sea + Spear = Fish
  21. Sinew + Sinew = Rope
  22. Rope + Stick = Bow and Fishing Rod
  23. Human + Skin = Clothes
  24. Bonfire + Wood = Ash and Coal and Bonfire
  25. Bonfire + Meat = Steak
  26. Bricks + Bricks = Walls
  27. Bones + Rope = Needle and Thread
  28. Needle and Thread + Skin = Canvas
  29. Canvas + Stick = Sail
  30. Forest + Rope = Snare
  31. Rope + Wood = Raft
  32. Raft + Sail = Sailing Raft
  33. Raft + Sea = Storm
  34. Sailing Raft + Sea = Calm
  35. Shelter + Walls = Hut

Click down there to navigate to another Episode. 

These links contain "" Using these links help me out. There are none ways you can use to navigate. I use these for quick navigation so you don't have to keep going back. 

Doodle God Episodes 1,2,3,4

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