Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Doodle God Walkthrough Quest : Sins Vs Virtue

  1. human + human = birth, love
  2. human + order = discipline
  3. human + fun = cheerfulness
  4. human + religion = faith
  5. human + faith = salvation
  6. human + work = diligence
  7. human + money = gift
  8. gift + cellphone = free apps
  9. free apps + cellphone = altruism
  10. fun + money = donation
  11. donation + money = charity
  12. charity + human = generosity
  13. order + alcohol/vodka = abstention
  14. life + death/corpse = resurrection
  15. sin + light = virtue
  16. virtue + human = tolerance, assistance
  17. virtue + energy = calmness
  18. virtue + fun = joy
  19. virtue + wrath = humility
  20. virtue + pride = modesty
  21. virtue + faith = hope
  22. water + bread = diet
  23. diet + grass/weeds = vegetarianism
  24. diet + religion = fasting
  25. sex + knowledge = sublimation
  26. sex + priest = chastity
  27. sex + wizard/scientist = continence

Click down there to navigate to another Episode. 

These links contain "Adf.ly" Using these links help me out. There are none adf.ly ways you can use to navigate. I use these for quick navigation so you don't have to keep going back. 

Doodle God Episodes 1,2,3,4

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