Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Doodle God 2.0 HD – Puzzles

Independence Day in a Village
  1. Grass + Domestic Animal = Fertilizer and Milk
  2. Life + Swamp = Bacteria (repeat once for a total of 2 Bacteria)
  3. Bacteria + Water = Plankton
  4. Bacteria + Swamp = Sulfur and Worm
  5. Plankton + Stone = Shells
  6. Shells + Stone = Limestone
  7. Limestone + Fertilizer = Saltpetre
  8. Saltpetre + Sulfur = Gunpowder
  9. Gunpowder + Fire = Firecracker

Elemental Ice Cream
Create Ice Cream using the limited elements you have available. An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list. Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle:
  1. Earth + Fire = Lava.
  2. Air + Lave = Stone.
  3. Stone + Water = Sand.
  4. Fire + Sand = Glass.
  5. Glass + Water = Ice.
  6. Ice + Milk = Ice Cream.

In the Name of Peace
Create a Flower using the limited elements you have available. An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list. Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle:
  1. Fire + Water = Alcohol.
  2. Fire + Alcohol = Energy.
  3. Energy + Human = Wizard.
  4. Fire + Water = Alcohol.
  5. Fire + Alcohol = Energy.
  6. Energy + Wizard = Demigod.
  7. Demigod + Nuclear Bomb = Flower.

Locomotive in the Woods
Create a Locomotive using the limited elements you have available. An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list. Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle:
  1. Air + Water = Steam.
  2. Stone + Stone = Fire and Stone and Stone.
  3. Repeat this step two more times to create 3 Fires total.
  4. Fire + Tree = Ash and Ash and Coal.
  5. Fire + Stone = Metal.
  6. Repeat this step again to create 2 Metals total.
  7. Human + Metal = Tools.
  8. Metal + Steam = Boiler.
  9. Boiler + Coal = Steam Engine.
  10. Tools + Tree = Tools and Wood.
  11. Repeat this step again to create 2 Wood total.
  12. Tools + Wood = Wheel.
  13. Wheel + Wood = Cart.
  14. Cart + Steamengine = Locomotive.

Create a Skyscraper using the limited elements you have available. An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list. Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle:
  1. Earth + Water = Swamp.
  2. Repeat this step two more times to create 3 Swamps total.
  3. Life + Swamp = Bacteria.
  4. Bacteria + Water = Plankton.
  5. Plankton + Stone = Shells.
  6. Sand + Swamp = Clay.
  7. Repeat this step again to create 2 Clays total.
  8. Stone + Stone = Fire + Stone + Stone.
  9. Repeat this step again to create 2 Fires total.
  10. Clay + Fire = Bricks.
  11. Fire + Sand = Glass.
  12. Shells + Stone = Limestone.
  13. Clay + Limestone = Cement.
  14. Cemente + Water = Concrete.
  15. Bricks + Concrete = House.
  16. House + Glass = Skyscraper.

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Doodle God Episodes 1,2,3,4

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